They’ve already achieved their original objective of raising over $500k with over 12,000 backers. You gotta love the internet and kickstarter.

If you’re interested in giving these guys a contribution: I quickly found a kickstarter project and discovered that the original creator, Al Lowe, and a company called Replay Games are trying to make a new version happen. So I googled ‘Leisure Suit Larry’, wondering if anyone thought of making a new version of it.

Maybe Zynga bought them and they went bust. What the heck happened to Sierra though? King’s Quest, Hero’s Quest, Leisure Suit Larry were the talk of the town back in the day. Larry was a 40 something dork who would roam around and try to pick up super hot women who were arguably out of his league, with corny pick up lines. I thought that was hilarious! I did have a laugh or two playing Leisure Suit Larry back in the day. Truth be told, I was more of a Hero’s Quest fan than Leisure Suit Larry. For those of you who remember playing games in MS-DOS and using typed commands like “pick up sword” to play games, will probably know what I’m talking about. T he other day, I was sitting there wondering what happened to Sierra and Leisure Suit Larry.